Sunday, May 24, 2009

Small Steps

And so ends my season of unblogging.

I don't know what else to call it. Really, I just stopped using the internet in its social sense. Except for a random few who I still email, this e-web/i-net thing hasn't been happening much on my end lately. A few things contributed to it: lack of web connectivity at home, disinterest in myface and other technological portmanteaus, working really dumb, insane, but ultimately rewarding hours for a non-profit....the usual suspects.

But I'm back to a point where I, at the very least, want to communicate through this avenue once again. First of all, because I'm reading more and more; and ideas other than how to deal effectively with unruly children are percolating in my head. You can thank my dwindling interest in Blockbuster for that. Secondly, I want to stay in touch with you people, no matter how annoying and artificial internet community is. And lastly, I want to talk about small steps. Small steps in all kinds of things: blogging, boating, hiking, theologizing, purchasing food stuffs, writing grants, serving others, the great butter v. margarine debate, the great new Trek v. old Trek debate, debating in general, modern major generals, pre-Great War pirate musicals, post-civil war kimchi products, product placements in modern one-camera situational comedies, and comedy on national public radio. Some other things, too. Including:

1) I live in Vermont. Did you know that? I am also reading Real Food by Nina Plank, who I can only describe as a natural food, post-hippie, sideways-establishment entrepreneur. Basically, she extols the virtues of real, raw milk and cheese. I live in a cheese and diary birthing state. Small steps, remember. My first is that I've started purchasing milk and dairy, whenever possible, from small dairies and cheese artisans who process their products as little as they can. Which basically makes me a food-prick, I know. But I'm trying this suit on -- this suit of "eating dairy products they way we ate them for hundreds of years before mass production" -- just to see if I do indeed feel better or happier or less prone to boredom and Taco Bell because of it. We'll speak more on this later. But small steps.

2) I'm quickly growing tired of our federal government. I'm straining to understand the concept of left-handed power, and what it means in my day-to-day life, and what it means for my political framework, and how it relates to my theological worldview. Jesus was one to use left-handed power. I'm 89% Siddhārtha Gautama did, too. Dr. King used it, but I think sometimes right-handedly. You can't be President and use because you'd probably be impeached. We Americans tend to like our power right-handed, because we're a super-power, and that's how super-powers behave. Left-handed power is steeped in humility and mystery and charity and maybe even Zen. I'll get back to you when I have some more concrete thoughts. But small steps.

3) What is up with Lost these days? Seriously? That was a pretty disappointing finale. But small steps.

So here's my promise to you, internet pals. I'm going to start stringing some words together into sentences again, not because it's necessary or vital or even relatively important. It's not. But I'm trying to take some small steps. And I thought you might want to tag along for the ride.

Cheese first, then the kingdom of God. My new motto. Get used to it.